Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Huff Post article-evolving past simple reproduction?

In this blog, we've mostly focused on evolution as it relates to physical characteristics of humans. The article linked below gives a really interesting perspective on an aspect of human evolution that is not an outward physical characteristic. Essentially, the author argues that, while the opponents of gay marriage try to convince people that it will somehow break down the reproductive family unit, our evolutionary role as humans is, these days, widened beyond simple reproduction. He argues that we clearly have the reproductive capacity to keep the human race going-this is our animal side. Our evolutionary responsibilities now include more than this-our human side. It's not a scientific article, but an interesting thought.

Click here for the article!


1 comment:

  1. Interesting article, though I wonder why he feels that the categories "gay", "straight", etc. are inherently toxic. They are identifiers.

    However, I don't think that social behaviors are necessarily a direct result of where our species is in terms of evolution. Especially since evolution does not have an end goal in mind. Natural selection selects some individuals to survive and some individuals to die, but there is not an impetus for the species to survive and thrive.

    Social behaviors should certainly change, but I'm not sure that the evolution argument holds up well.

    -Rebecca S.
