Monday, March 19, 2012

Are we invasive species?

Here's a link that brings up the debate about the fine line (or whether there is one) between "invasives" and "natives" that came up in the NY Times:

If we are considered invasives as well, have we technically "dominated" other species (as seen through agriculture and displacing of other species' habitats" and if we really are the most fit species as some claim, is this appropriate behavior?

- Effie

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Smaller heads, plumper bodies. Tools, or hindrances?

This is a very interesting article about some of the earliest-dated tools found that help describe the transition of humans from our ancestors to what we are in present day.  Though we rely on various tools on a day-to-day basis, does the benefit gained from their use outweigh the cost of "missing out" on evolutionary pressures that people in the third world may experience?

-Matt M.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Human Noses are Climate-Adapted! Can I get a bigger one for Houston?

There has been much speculation, research, and debate regarding how human nose size and shape signifies adaptation to various climates. It is a relatively well-accepted fact that populations that evolved in warm climates possess large, wide noses with big openings to aid in cooling the body, while humans in cold climates have evolved narrow noses that warm and moisten air before it reaches the lungs.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Can Your Food Choices Save your Life?

Its interesting that we evolved as omnivores (referring to my earlier post on early flavor learning and Hannah's post on teeth) but some recent studies have suggested that meat is actually BAD for you and that a vegan diet can actually reverse deleterious heart diseases and cancers.

Why is it that our evolutionary tendency towards meat actually hurting us?

Check these out:
"Forks Over Knives" movie:
"The China Study" book:

- Effie

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Is There More to Taste Than Simple Preference?


It seems like everyone these days can agree on what tastes good and what tastes bad –for example the cake on the left looks delicious, but the baby mouse donut on the right - although most of us have never tasted it before - doesn’t seem to trigger our appetite, no matter how hungry we may be. 

So what exactly drives our taste perception and preferences?